
Friday, September 4, 2015

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I was nominated by the lovely Madison of Minnie Muse for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. If you don't follow Madison, but adore vintage things you should be following her.

The rules for the award:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
2. Put the award logo on your blog.
3. Answer the ten questions sent to you.
4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Nominate ten other bloggers. || Katie from That Katie Girl, Lauren from Musings of a Flower Child, Rachel from Lipstick & Gelato, Carmel from Carmel. Just A Girl + Her Blog, Lauren from Someone Like You, Hanne-col from Ain't We Got Fun, and Olivia from Fresh Modesty.

Madison's Ten Questions:

1. If you could have a foreign accent which would you choose. 
Without a doubt it would have to be a British accent. Then again, I'm sure most of you saw that answer coming.

2. If any of your dreams could come true which would you wish for?
I don't have too many dreams, my number one would be to get married & to have several kids. Other than that, it would be amazing to live in London, UK for a year or so or even New York City. Yeah, I'm definitely a big city gal.

3. If you won a shopping spree to Modcloth or Anthropologie which would you choose?
Gosh! What a hard question. Hmmm.....I think I would have to go with Anthropologie as I can try on their clothes at one of our local malls.

Image source.

4. Which Jane Austen Character do you resonate with more?
Are you ready for my answer? It would have to be Mr. Darcy. Once I realized this, I went into a bit of shock 'cause I was like 'what if people think I'm stuck-up or a snob or something' -- because I'm really not. Honest.

5. What is your dream item/accessory to add to your closet.
It is between a Kate Spade handbag or dress and a Rebecca Minkoff Mini Mac.

Rebecca Minkoff Mini Mac
6. Which is your favorite Season and why?
Summer/Early Autumn. I like warmer weather over freezing cold weather. I can't stand the cold, as it takes forever for me to warm up.

7. Mr. Darcy, Mr. Knightly, or Mr. Tilney?
Mr. Knightly has always been my favorite without a doubt.

8. Tea or Coffee and what kind?
Coffee, iced with cream and sugar.

9. Your favorite name?
For a guy: Robert and Edward. For a girl: Emma and Rose.

10. What musical is it that you always sing along to?
The Sound of Music, but if I know the words I'll sing along to any of them.

My Ten Questions:
1. Elizabeth Gaskell or Jane Austen?
2. How Would You Describe Your Personal Style?
3. Lipstick or Lipgloss?
4. Favorite type of music to listen to?
5. Favorite autumn time activity?
6. What was the last book you read?
7. Favorite thing to either bake or cook?
8. Dream place to travel to?
9. Favorite childhood memory?
10. What would you tell your thirteen-year-old self?

The winner for the Butter LondonxAllure nail polish collection giveaway has been randomly chosen! Her name is Audrey and an email has already been sent off.

~Ashley, xx


  1. Thank you so much Ashley for taking the time to answer these questions!!!! Absolutely LOVED reading them. That is so funny about you resonating with Mr. Darcy:) Big fan of your favorite names and love that Sound of Music was the musical you would sing to.....that is my answer also:) Thanks again!!

  2. Fun answers! :D And I actually can relate to Mr. Darcy it's not shocking. ;) Mr. Knightley is a favorite of mine as well! Also, that mini mac is cute!

  3. Loved your answers! This was fun to read.

  4. Thanks so much for the nomination! I loved reading your answers. :)


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In Christ,
~Ashley & Gabrielle