
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

How To Dress | 1920s Inspired

1920s Inspired

Hello lovelies! My church is hosting a 1920s couples dinner for Valentines next week, to say the least I've been busy trying to capture the 1920s with modern clothing to share with my friends going to the dinner. Whilst doing my research I came to discover that most information out there in the 1920s is either flapper or Great Gatsby related -- nothing much can be found on the everyday person of the 20s. So hopefully others who have been trying to capture the look of the 20s, but didn't want to go the flapper route will find this helpful too.

Soft lines, mixture of textures, hats, long necklaces, interesting trims, etc....these are all key pieces to capturing the 1920s look, especially if you don't own a drop-waist dress. When you are wearing a skirt and blouse for the 20s look, don't define your waist, try to find tops that work well untuck and create the look of a dropped waist. Also, during the twenties the long boyfriend cardigan was a popular style, so fell free to throw one on when creating your outfit.

Accessories are also very important and key to your look, without them you outfit is just an everyday outfit. Some key things to try and included in your look are the following: headbands, cloche hats, long necklaces, vintage styled shoes [heels would be the most accurate], and a fur of some sort are all possible ideas.

Some Inspirational Images:
Butterick Pattern Catalog, April 1928 [personal collection]

You can also see my Pinterest board with more inspiration for clothing, hair, and makeup ideas.

~Ashley, xx


  1. I love that second photo. Gosh, I wish I looked that good while reading a newspaper haha

  2. Love these outfits!
    I've never been fond of the whole flapper or Great Gatsby look. Not everyone could afford those clothes. But I do like 1920's fashion!

  3. I used to not like the 1920's era but lately I've really been getting into it. I think once I got past the stereotypical flapper idea we get from Hollywood and those cheap costume patterns I was finally able to see the beauty and variety of the clothing. There was something for everyone in that era. For me it's the pin curls. In fact I just did a pin curl tutorial over at my blog. Need to pear my curls with a retro inspired outfit I think.

  4. This is such a lovely blog! Congrats on being featured in the Modest Fashion Weekly Blogroll!


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In Christ,
~Ashley & Gabrielle