
Thursday, November 27, 2014

What I Wore | Thanksgiving Day!

Hello lovelies! This is going to be a short and sweet post, since I should be sleeping right now in preparation of working tonight from midnight to 7am. Anyhow, I had a lovely Thanksgiving with my family with lots of yummy foods and "I Love Lucy" playing on the television in the morning.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

How to Build a Wardrobe

How to Build a Wardrobe

Over the years, I’ve been asked on several occasion to share on how to build a wardrobe from scratch if one is wanting to start dressing modestly, yet chic. When I was first asked this question, I didn’t feel like I knew all the answers, especially since I was just learning myself. In fact, my entire fashion journey of wanting to dress more stylish, yet modestly is documented here on Bramblewood Fashion. So, yeah I wasn’t ready before, but now that I have learned more about fashion, what are my go-to’s, and I have learned tips on finding good quality clothes at a bargain price [for me at least]. Also, I have been personally helping a friend build her wardrobe over the past year [Hello, Liz!]. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Some Favorite Old Hollywood Videos

Hey lovelies! It has been forever since I've done just a random post filled with nonsense, mostly because I feel like my posts need to be top-notch and professional now days. So here is a post filled with clips of videos found on YouTube of some of my favorite Old Hollywood actors/singers moments, on either on the silver screen or television.

Judy Garland & Barbra Streisand | Happy Days Are Here Again

Monday, November 24, 2014

Sunday Style | Festive Red Dress

Hello lovelies! Our church had their Thanksgiving dinner after the service yesterday, and for the occasion I really dressed up. There is something about dressing up for the holiday's that I really love. Call me old-fashioned, but I really love the holiday traditions of days gone by which include dressing up for the holiday's.

What about you? Do you like dressing up for the holiday's?

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thanksgiving Outfit Ideas from Abbey | Guest Post

Hey there, lovelies! My name is Abbey and I blog over at Miss Abbey Noelle. I'm mostly a fashion blogger, but I do occasionally post DIY'S, recipes, vlogs, and random updates! I found Ashley's lovely blog about a year ago and I absolutely adore her fashion posts! Her Ulta chic outfits are a recent favorite of mine. So thank you Ashley, for letting me guest post!

Alrighty, since Thanksgiving is just a few days away, I thought I'd share three of my outfit ideas for the Holiday! I'm totally a dresses + skirts kinda girl, but I did throw in a more casual outfit for you to see. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

What I Wore | House Cleaning

Hello lovelies! It has been awhile since I've done an outfit post for y'all. I seriously need to remedy this lack of outfit posts...of course, I have good reasons for not being able to do post during late October/early November as we were all busy working on our Dad's banquet [I edited six videos, all of which Gaby had filmed]. So yeah, we had that along with Church events that we were apart of helping out with, so you could say that we have been incredibly busy within the past several weeks. But enough about the past, let's talk about today's outfit.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Natasha Styling Skinny Jeans | Guest Post

Hello there, ladies! My name is Natasha and I blog over at What I Wear, What I Do And Why I Did It-otherwise known as "A Modest Fashion Blog."

I'm excited to post today on Ashley's blog, she was one of the first blogs I followed years ago.

A slightly controversial subject amongst modest fashion bloggers is the subject of pants. Some will not agree with me that pants CAN be modest (though not 100% of the time). And that's okay! Everyone's entitled to their opinion, even me.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Skincare, Bath, and Beauty Ulta Haul & Review | My Beauty Picks

Gosh. I've only done three posts so far in the month of November. What can I say? I've been living life one event at a time. Life has been going full-speed ahead around here, leaving no time for blogging [at least for taking pictures]. I do have a couple of videos on my YouTube channel, but even that is sadly behind. *sigh* Well, I'm going to start having some guest-bloggers through-out the coming the months, so that will be fun, since I don't always have time to post anymore.

1. Aromafloria Stress Less Ocean Mineral Bath Salts in Lavender [$2.99] -- These were located in the grab-n-go section by the cash wrap, and I decided to try them out since I've been really getting into relaxing baths lately. The downside of these bath salts is that it takes an entire bag for one bath, and the full-sized product is $22 at Ulta. But, the salts do create a soothing bath for sore muscles and create a tiny bit of foam too, which is always a plus in my book.  

2. EOS Coconut Milk Lip Balm [$3.49] -- If you have read my blog for several years, or have watch some of my makeup tutorials, you will be aware that I adore EOS lip balms [especially in Sweet Mint]. I was always getting asked if the coconut milk flavor was any good when I work my shifts at Ulta, so I took the plunge and tried it out. It is good, but I mostly recommend it for people who love the taste of coconut [sadly, I'm not that person]. It was a pass for me, personally.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Top 12 Favorite Fiction Books | My Picks

Do you know how hard it is for a book lover to narrow down their top favorite books? Well, I've been thinking about sharing some of my favorite books with y'all for awhile now, and thought now was as good a time as any. This list is going to be my top twelve favorite fiction books, my next book list will be my top ten favorite books republished by Lamplighter Publications [since I had to narrow down my list somehow].

Friday, November 7, 2014

Q&A Time with Bramblewood Fashion!

When I was cleaning out my Macbook a few weeks ago, I stumbled across several documents filled with questions from y'all that we had never answered. Oops. To remedy this I have decided to start replying to some of them within some blog posts that were personally addressed to me. Perhaps when we have some more time, me and Gaby will film some Q&A videos with the questions that were addressed to the two of us. Sound good? Good.

How long have you been blogging? I started blogging in 2008, when I started a blog called, Vintage Home Life with my Mum and sisters on Wordpress. Of course, no one else ended up doing the blog with me and it was just me doing all the blogging. Then in August of 2009 I started, Bramblewood Fashion and in October of that same year, A Girls Guide to Homelife. I also have a couple other blogs: Musings of a Vintage Girl [Old Hollywood themed] and Bramblewood Dress Diary [sewing blog for historical/movie costumes].

Why did you start your blog? Since everyone means, Bramblewood Fashion when they ask this question. I started BF as way to share my latest sewing projects with everyone, to help advertise and grow an audience for my Etsy shop [which never took off, sadly].

What made you start a YouTube channel? Let's see here....I really loved seeing the videos that Amanda Flynn would share on her fashion blog, Amanda Beth Online, so eventually I got the courage to just start a channel myself. My first video was of me draping a bodice for my Young Victoria gown -- with no sound, just music. :p  I also saw videos as a way to connect with y'all on an other level, as you could hear my voice and see what I'm like in "real life". Of course, I didn't become comfortable in my videos until the past year or so. :p

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sunday Style | 1930s Inspired

Hello lovelies! How are y'all doing this Lord's day? I went to Church this morning with my family, came home for lunch afterwards, and so far this afternoon I've only been working on this outfit post. We live about 30-45 minutes away from Church, and by the time we make lunch most of the afternoon has past. Once I'm finished with this post I'm going to be putting away my Autumn/Winter clothes; make butterscotch & oatmeal cookies for a snack; play PS2 with my sister, Gaby; and do my bathroom chore for this week.