
Saturday, January 25, 2014

What I Wore | Vintage Pendleton Wool Kilt

What I'm Wearing
Central Park Tee -- Old Navy [$6]
Red Cardigan -- Old Navy [$6]
Vintage Pendleton Wool Kilt -- Hand-me-down [Free]
Grey Tights -- Target [$5]
Combat Boots -- JCPenny [gift]
Statement Necklace -- c/o Choies 
Lipstick -- Mary Kay in Apple Berry [gift]

A few weeks ago me & Charlotte of Boyer Family Singers, discovered that we both owned vintage kilts in the same plaid pattern. We knew we had to do outfit posts of us both wearing our skirts, on our respective blogs. So be sure to check out her outfit post on her & her sisters blog! 

When coming up with a fun way to style my skirt, I knew there were several style routes I could go with: all out vintage, prep school, classic, modern, or a mix of styles for a fresh look. I decided to wear my kilt in a way I had never done before: with a graphic tee shirt & cardigan [since we are still in the dead of winter]. Add a statement necklace for a bit of glam. Tights for much needed warmth for my poor legs, and of course, my new combat boots which add that vintage touch. I really like the look these boots bring to my skirts & dresses [kinda old-fashioned & vintage-y].  



  1. Oh how fun! I love how you creatively incorporated the more modern elements, like your graphic tee & statement necklace, in with the old-fashioned pieces. Oh, and it totally freaked me out on how similar our skirts really are! Oh my!!

    It was really fun doing this "twinsies" outfit post with you :) Maybe we can do it again sometime…? :)


  2. Love your skirt with those boots. THOSE BOOTS! They're so beautiful on you. Reminds me of Jo March's army boots ;)

  3. Hey Ashley!

    I really love your outfit; it's put together so well! I adore that skirt, it is so cute and looks really warm! Feel free to check out my own modest fashion blog and if you have any tips, feel free to share! Love the blog and signed up for email updates! ;)

    Looking forward to your next post!
    Ashley B.

  4. Adorable, Ashley!
    I LOVE your boots! I'm sad, our local Jcpenney is closing :(
    A modest fashion blog:

  5. Loverly skirt, Ashley! Wool tartans have become a favorite wardrobe staple for me this past year. And as for your boots...if they were black, I'd be sorely tempted to steel them off you! ;-)

    God bless,
    ~"Tom Wild Rose"
    You have just been tagged!


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In Christ,
~Ashley & Gabrielle