
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

♥Bramblewood Fashion Questionnaire♥

Hello everyone! Thank you for all of the get well wishes y'all left in my last post! I'm feeling much better now, it turns out I had the 48hour flu and it has simply turned into a cold now. I can't wait to be able to get back to cooking & baking, 'cause when ever I get sick I tend to get the cooking bug and start dreaming about food. It is torture. Of course, I tend to dream about food a lot, I even remember memories & events by food. Anyone else like this?

Well, anyhow....I've put together a questionnaire that I would love for y'all to take. It won't take too long to answer, I promise. You can take it here.


  1. That's funny that you think and dream about food :) But I still remember almost everything everybody wore to a movie night at our house in early December 2012, so I think you're normal :)

  2. Oh, I am the same way about sickness & food! This past winter, I had a dreadful cold/flu, and all I could dream about was baking and cooking (deserts in particular ;) and hoarding mouth watering recipes on Pinterest lol! And I am not typically that way when I'm healthy :)
    Will take the survey <3


  3. Hope you are feeling better Ashley! I just finished the blog quiz! :-)

  4. Oh yes, mom is all about the food! She plans vacation around food! LOL! Seriously, Disneyland discussion centered around where she wanted to eat! LOL!
    Taking your survey now, Ashley!
    A Modest Fashion Blog:

  5. I like those lace-ish dresses, how pretty!~ Heaven Lee


Hi! Do leave a comment for we love to hear from our readers. We do read every comment, but sometimes we don't have time to reply right away to your question.

Please, no spam. And if you use the Anonymous setting please use your name, or internet nickname. Thank you!

Also, if you have something mean to say, don't say it all. Just keep it to yourself. I don't want arguments to start, or have feelings hurt. Please think of others before you comment anything hurtful.

In Christ,
~Ashley & Gabrielle