
Monday, August 27, 2012

I ♥ Lip Balms

Hello everyone! I'm back from vacation and had a wonderful time down in Tennessee & Georgia! On Wednesday the Shabby Apple GC giveaway winner will be chosen. Also, the Blog Party winners have been picked, you can see them here in the widget.


I don't know about you, but I love my lip products. Lip gloss, lip butters, balm stains, lip balms, chap sticks, etc...I love them all and always carry at least five to six lip products in my purse - everyday. Yes, I may be obsessed but I don't care. Everyone has their beauty weakness and mine is lip products.

Today I'm going to share some {not all} of the lip balms, three in fact, that I've tried out over the past year, or so.

Maybelline Baby Lips - I just bought my first one yesterday after hearing a ton about it on YouTube, twitter, and on beauty blogs. I really wanted to try the mint one, but our Kroger didn't have it so I tried the Quenched one out. It is alright, but the scent isn't my favorite. I do like that it has a SPF of 20, which is great! Since you don't want to get your lips burnt. All in all, this product isn't that bad, just not a big fan of the Quenched scent. By the way, only the Peppermint & Quenched are clear lip balms, the others have a slight tint in them. 
EOS Lip Balm - I've tried two of these easter egg like lip balms, Sweet Mint & Strawberry Sorbet. My favorite is the Sweet Mint, perhaps because I'm obsessed with anything mint? But I just didn't like the Strawberry Sorbet, now my little sister loves this one so I just gave her mine since I'll never use it. Why don't I like? The flavor was just not my cup of tea, even though I love strawberries, it wasn't me. I'll just stick with my mint, thank you very much. Now, one great thing about the EOS lip balms is that they are organic, contain Vitamin E, and are Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Free, Petroleum-Free, and Paraben-Free. Awesome!

Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm - I've been using this one for several years now, and I'm sure most of you have either heard of it, used to use it, or are using it. This is my little go-to lip balm once those winter months hit {mostly because I JUST tried the EOS lip balm this past spring} and it starts it get really cold and windy. I love this product, as do my sisters & mom and can think of nothing negative to say about it.

Well, those are three lip balms that I've tried. What are some that you've tried & love? Or, what are some that I should ovoid trying out at all? Go ahead and share below in the comments. I can wait to see YOUR lip balm list! Also, if you have ideas for other beauty posts I should do, let me know!


  1. I love Burt's Bees lip balm! It's all I use. :D

  2. I love Burt's Bees as well.:)

  3. Burt's Bees all the way - I've tried the Pomegranate, Mango, Honey, and Peppermint - don't like the honey at all and the peppermint is my favorite. I think the flavored ones just get kinda "old" tasting halfway through the tube

  4. Ah, Burt's Bees is the best. I had major chapped lips when I was about 8, and I used Burt's Bees. At the time, nothing else had worked. And that did. And that is my little love story with BB. :D

    I've heard a lot about Baby Lips - several friends of mine have said it keeps your lips super soft, so I've been wanting to try it out...I think I will now. :) (that is, not in Quenched. ;D)


  5. Oh I love lip balm too!
    I have a question: Does the Sweet Mint taste like...actual mint? 'Cause one time, I used this chapstick that was like, too tooth paste when it's in your mouth, ya know? It felt like it burned or does Sweet Mint lip balm taste like that? I love all things mint, so that's why I'm asking.


    1. You don't really taste it when you put it on, and when you lick your lips the taste doesn't burn in your mouth. It is a really nice mint lip balm. I hope this was of some help in answering your question.


  6. I need to try this EOS Lip Balm , few friends have used this and they have some positive reviews, thanks for the share. Fashion Wordpress Template

  7. I've been wanting to try both EOS and Baby Lips for quite some time. My go to is Carmex. It might not be a lip balm, but it's what healed my super dry chapped lips. I also liked Chapstick shimmer. :)

  8. Hi,
    I clicked on the link but couldn't see a list of the winners anywhere...
    I've used Burts Bees some too. And I love maybelline lip gloss though I haven't tried the "baby lips" yet. =)

    1. The winners are posted in the Rafflecopter widget. :)

  9. Hi Ash!!
    Oh, I know just what you mean on this one!! I'm the lip gloss queen!!! These are some of my favorites...
    ~Sheer lip gloss Love & Beauty by Forever21
    ~C.O.Bigelow Cinnamint Mentha Lip Shine
    ~COVERGIRL wetslicks fruit spritzers in guava splash
    ~Elf Hypershine gloss

    You'll have to try these out if you haven't already!! I'm pretty sure you have the Forever21 ones, already! *grins*


    1. Hi Bug!!

      Don't get me started on lip gloss!! I collect them like crazy {the girls think I'm nuts}. *smile*

      I've tried just one of the Love & Beauty by Forever21 glosses so far.
      I have the C.O.Bigelow Lip Shine but in Mint or Peppermint {can't remember which}.
      Ohh, the Elf Hypershine glosses are one of my top favorites! Plus, they are only $1. *grin*
      I haven't heard of the COVERGIRL wetslicks fruit spritzers, guess I'll have to go check them out. *smile*

      If you have any more suggestions of lip glosses for me to try out, just let me know Bug dearie.

      lots of love,
      ~Ash xoxoxox

  10. Try Buddha Balm if you haven't yet. It's so yummy and works so well.


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In Christ,
~Ashley & Gabrielle