
Friday, December 30, 2011

Going Through the Era's Blog Event

I'm so excited to be announcing next years HUGE blog event! Going Through the Era's by: Cooking, Crafting, & Sewing! But we will be doing much more than that. In fact, there is going to be a theme for each day of the week for 5 weeks!! Yes, this blog event is going to last for 5 weeks! Isn't that amazing!?! If someone does every day for 5 weeks I'll be surprised. *grin*

Week Schedule for the event:
March 4th - 10th (Week 1) - 1930s
March 11th - 17th (Week 2) - 1940s
March 18th - 24th (Week 3) - 1950s
March 25th - 31st (Week 4) - 1960s
April 1st - 7th (Week 5) - 1970s/or your favorite era

Days of the Week theme Schedule:
Sunday - Historical Sunday {Research Historical Event/Invention/Discovery/Person for the era.}
Monday - Fun Monday {Share Game{s}/TV Shows/ Radio Shows/Music/Books from the era.}
Tuesday - Crafty Tuesday {Do a craft from the era. The American Girl Molly Craft book would be great for the 40s!}
Wednesday - Random Wednesday {Share Photos/Magazine Scans/Dishes/cleaning recipes/things you own from the era/etc...}
Thursday - Baking Thursday {Make a meal/dishes/snacks/drinks/dessert using cookbooks/ family recipes from the era. Also share the recipes you use in your post!} 
Friday - Fashionable Friday {Sew something from the era using vintage, or reproduction patterns. Share your vintage clothing that you own. Do a hairstyle and/or makeup look/tutorial from the era. Do an outfit post.}
Saturday - Matinee Saturday {Do movie reviews of movies from the era. Share your favorite Actors/Actresses, fun movie trivia, etc....}

Random Notes/Rules
In January and/or February I'll share some resources that you can use for ideas for some of the daily themes.

You can NOT use old posts for this event. You CAN use old sewing projects, cooking/baking, just have to write up a new post for this event.  

Please keep your pictures & outfits clean and modest.

You can start doing some of the things for the event now. Start your sewing project, cooking/baking recipes, etc... and if you finish before the event starts you can write your post and have it scheduled to post during the event on the correct day. Like, if you are going to miss part of the event and it is your favorite era{s}. Do the event now and just have your posts go up in March/April.

Everyday there is going to be a linky box in each day's of the week theme post. You will then link the POST, for that day into the linky. I will keep the linkys up until the middle of April.

I'm hoping to have at most two giveaways a week. I would really like it if the item donated for the giveaway goes with the theme of the event and week the giveaway is hosted, if possible. If you are interested in sponsoring a giveaway send me an email: bramblewoodfashion {at} hotmail {dot} com.

If you have any questions either email me, tweet me, leave a post on FB, or simply leave a comment. I'll try to get back with as soon as I can.

Now, I need everyone's help on spreading the word. Please take one of the buttons I made a post them on your sidebar {all of the buttons are posted here}. Blog, tweet, pin, tumble, Facebook, Google Buzz, etc... about the event! Tell your favorite bloggers who might be interested in this event. Tell your friends. Well, I think y'all get the idea. *smile*


  1. So one of your buttons is up here:

  2. And I've posted a button on my personal blog as well:

  3. One more note... I will tweet/Facebook about it closer to that date. ;) For now, I just want to tweet/FB about my own blog party! ;)

  4. This looks like great fun! Can't wait!


  5. Wow, Ashley, this sounds fabulous! And the events are varied enough that I might actually have time to participate in this one - yay!

    I'm putting your blog button up on my blog!

    Love in Christ,

  6. Actually, I'm having trouble getting your blog button to show up correctly on my sidebar ... it's too small to read. I'll keep trying. :-)

    ~ Vicki

  7. This sounds amazing! ^^ The only things is...I'm not a cook. At all. XD But I'd love to participate in the other challenges!


  8. Wow!
    This is awesome fun idea.
    I think I shall have to jump in on a few of these days. :)
    *does Gone with the Wind count for 1930's? ;) anyway...lots of fun things!

    Your blog is always hoping with new ideas and lovely lady like charm. Nice job girls!

  9. Sounds awesome! I can wait to see all of the link ups. :) I don't know if I will participate.. maybe just a few days every week? We'll see! :)

  10. I put a button on my blog,

  11. Wow, that's HUGE! Good incentive to use those 50s cooking books I bought a while ago. :-)

  12. On Friday(s) can I do a vintage inspired? Or does it have to be something real?

  13. @Anonymous Yes, you can do vintage inspired. That is what I'll mostly be doing.

  14. @Anonymous Yes, you can do vintage inspired. That is what I'll mostly be doing.

  15. I put a button on


Hi! Do leave a comment for we love to hear from our readers. We do read every comment, but sometimes we don't have time to reply right away to your question.

Please, no spam. And if you use the Anonymous setting please use your name, or internet nickname. Thank you!

Also, if you have something mean to say, don't say it all. Just keep it to yourself. I don't want arguments to start, or have feelings hurt. Please think of others before you comment anything hurtful.

In Christ,
~Ashley & Gabrielle