
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What I Wore | Mixing Prints

mustard floral circle skirt made by me/ navy blue & tan stripe tank made by me/ burgundy cardigan paul harris design {hand-me-down}/ belt forever 21/ grey tights j.c.penny/ brown t-strap heels naturalizers {a couple years ago}/ gold leaf earrings forever 21/ gold necklace knotted forever 21/ gold owl ring kohl's/ brown structured purse relic by fosssil    

My circle skirt is finished and I love it. I like that I took my time in making the skirt. For the record it only took 3 1/4 days to sew (and those aren't full days), but for me, that is a long time just to sew a skirt. I like it when skirts only take like half a day. That is more up my speed. Though, with me taking longer in sewing my skirt I was able to hand sew the hem in, iron ever seam, and just take my time in general. Who knows, I might do it again as I like the results that taking your time does.

One thing is for sure. The skirt looks nice and I keep forgetting that I made it. {I'm not trying to be proud, or anything. I truly have been forgetting. Honest.} I keep thinking that I bought it at like Anthropologie. Which is a good thing right?

Want to know a secret? I wore this same outfit on Sunday to church. Can you tell I really like this outfit? Originally I was going to wear an Anthropologie knit top that I bought with my birthday gift from Anthro in LA. But the strangest thing happened to it. Part of the knit lost its elasticity, so I'll need to refashion it a bit so I can wear it again (Hmm, I should do a post about the shirt sometime. Maybe one of you could give me some advice on how to fix it.). But I wasn't too worried as I bought some knit fabric in LA that was very close to my Anthro top that I bought {on the same trip}. So I just whipped up a tank  on Saturday night for me to wear on Sunday.

My Forever 21 Haul

Other news, my package from arrived early today. It was schedule to arrive on Friday, then Wednesday. But when I went to get the mail today, there was my package in the mailbox. What a wonderful surprise! Everything I bought is in the above polyvore set. I can't wait to wear everything!

I'll be doing a movie review of courageous sometime this week.


  1. Oh my word, it looks amazing!!!! You did an excellent job, as much as I HATE taking my time on sewing projects, it really does make them turn out better!

    I'm afraid of pattern mixing, except for the when you can barely see one of the did a lovely job! =)

  2. QUOTE: "I keep thinking that I bought it at like Anthropologie. Which is a good thing right?"

    Sure it is! It means the Lord has given you the ability to make a good quality good, that it looks professionally-made. ;-)

    What a happy, sunny print!

    God bless,
    ~"Wild Rose"~

  3. Hi Ashley,
    My name is Sarah and I got onto your blog while I was doing some 'blog hopping'. I want to say that your outfits are just beautiful! So many 'christian' fashion blogs are still really un modest, but good for you for wearing such chic yet God-honoring outfits.

  4. Great job on that skirt! I love the fabric you chose, and you're motivating me to finish my own!

  5. I totally agree with Ashley, your outfits are adorable, but they are still so very modest! I looooooove it!


  6. Out of all the outfits I've seen on your blog this by far my most favorite! Love IT!! <3

  7. Ashley~
    Your outfit is DARLING! I love the way you combined the prints, and that skirt fabric is just fantastic. It does look like something out of an Anthro catalog! Isn't it so much fun to make something that you absolutely love??!
    I love having good mail days! In fact, I had one yesterday too. I got a movie magazine I'd ordered from Etsy, plus two pieces of fabric. One of them is a mustardy-gold velveteen. Now I need to get sewing. ::smile::
    By the way, have you decided if you like your bangs or not?? I've never had any before, and I am looking forward to seeing more pictures of yours!
    xox Achaia

  8. Thanks everyone for your kind words. Y'all are great! I feel like y'all are my good friends. :)

    @ Achaia- Yes, it is. It makes sewing so worth it and fun! :)
    Don't you? It sounds like you had a good mail day too. It is always fun to get movie magazines & fabric in the mail. *grins*
    Somedays I love my bangs. Others, I wonder why I did it. I'm a conflicting person that doesn't always knows what she wants. :p Lately I've been wearing them pinned back like in these pictures. You never had bangs?!? Well, I grew up with them. And sometimes they looked just awful on me. I hate looking at those pictures when I was in my awkward stage.
    lots of love! xxx ~Ashley

  9. I love those yellow tights! Its one of my favorite colors for this season. :)

  10. I love all the colors you mixed in this outfit! :D The circle skirt is really darling too; you did a superb job of picking out a great fabric print and the resulting skirt does look very high-end (like something I'd drool over at Anthropologie! ;). Bravo! Thinking I need to break free of my tendency towards solid color skirts of late and make a pretty, patterned one. ;)

  11. I saw you on casey's circle skirt party ... had to say I love how you styled this outfit the mix of color pattern and texture is great!


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In Christ,
~Ashley & Gabrielle