
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Movie Life | April 1940

I was going to post pictures of all the magazines I bought last month. But that post would be a mile long. ;) As the magazines I bought are filled with wonderful pictures. I love buying old magazines - they have so much history stored away in them! 

The magazine I'll be featuring today is one of my favorite - Movie Life (April, 1940). Why? It has an article of one of my favorite actresses - Deanna Durbin. That may, or may not be the reason why I bought this magazine. ;) *laughs*

Look! Cary Grant takes an old family friend to the premiere of My Girl Friday {I love that movie!}. Also the Los Angeles' Mayor greets Rosalind Russell at Girl Friday press party. In the bottom picture Olivia de Havilland is sporting the new pompadour hair-do. 

  Here we have, Errol Flynn, Anne Shirley, and Shirley Temple. 

Next up we have a four page spread on Deanna Durbin. Enjoy!

Have you seen the film, Young Tom Edison (1940) starring Mickey Rooney? I grew up watching this film so it was fun seeing this little spread. 

This page is filled with stars! We have a wedding picture of Ronald Reagan & Jane Wyman. Katharine Hepburn {in a darling dress and pumps!}, Raymond Massey & Mrs. Roosevelt! That's just on the top row of pictures. Underneath we have Mickey Rooney, Pat O'Brain, Gene Autry, Olivia de Havilland, and many others. 

I hope you all enjoyed this little peak into one of my magazines I own. Let me know how you enjoyed it!


  1. Thanks for sharing! I believe I will need go look for some vintage magazine's now! Its so much fun looking at the pictures :-)

  2. This is so cool! I love looking at all of these pictures.(:

  3.!!! I totally-no, thoroughly enjoyed a peak into your magazines! That was SOOO much fun to read. Where in the world did you find those?!? Ok, now I am definitely flying up so I can see all of them! :)

    In Christ's Service,

  4. So fun! I always love paging through those old movie magazines and spotting snapshots of my favorite stars that I haven't seen before!

  5. I loved it! Definitely do more of this! Where do you find these old magazines? I've checked e-bay, but they never have any interesting ones.

  6. I'm glad y'all enjoyed looking at the pictures! :) I'll do more posts in the coming weeks.

    I find my magazines at antique malls and Etsy.

  7. Oh, wow! Those are so fun. :) Thanks for giving us a peek...I would love to find some of those to look at!

    Oh, and Ashley..jsut to letcha know, I am having a giveaway featuring that fudge shop I just won stuff from! <3 Thought you might want to stop by...;)


  8. I've missed seeing everything that you've been up to, Ashley! I am very happy to have our internet up and running again!! yay!

    I loved seeing peeks of your vintage magazine! It was so much fun. And I agree with Casey... it's neat to spot pictures of some of your favorite stars.
    I'm definitly going to keep my eyes peeled for vintage magazines next time we go flea marketing!
    xx Achaia

  9. PS That picture of Errol Flynn with his wife is so cute. ::smile::


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In Christ,
~Ashley & Gabrielle