
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentines Day & What to Wear

Some of you might be pondering what to wear on Valentines Day. I, for one, love dressing up for the holidays. In fact, this past week I've been wearing pink almost everyday in preparation of Valentines. I guess you can say, I sometimes go a little over board. =) Anyways, I've put together a few ideas for all of you. Hopefully you will find them helpful!

Try finding a shirt that is feminine and has some girly touches; like the ones above {All of the above shirts are from Maurices}. It doesn't have to be red or pink. Just find the most girly top you own and it should work. Or, if you are feeling crafty this weekend, try out this shirt tutorial I made last year for Valentines.

For your bottom half, try either a really nice skirt. You could do flow-y, lacy, LBS, or a nice denim skirt. Or, how about a nice red, or pink skirt. It can be solid or printed.

Maybe instead of a skirt you would rather wear pants? How about some khakis? Dress pants? Or a really nice pair of jeans. I, for one, prefer a darker wash; I think it looks nicer then most lighter washes.

Maybe, you are more of a dress type of girl? Here are some options for you. You can wear a solid color {pink, red, grey, black}. Floral dresses are always nice {the v-neck one I would wear a tank or cami underneath}. Of course, you can't forget polka-dots! They are always fun and girly. You know what? I might wear my black polka-dot dress with lots of pink accents on Valentines!

Hopefully you will find some of these ideas helpful! So, what do you plan on wearing?



  1. Neat ideas! =) I am still try to decide what to wear...=)

  2. I absolutely adore that black and white polka dotted dress !! That is gorgeous. :) Thanks for the post.. I love all the V-Day posts going on right now!! :)

  3. Very nice Valentine's Day clothes choices! :) I haven't even thought about my Valentine's Day outfit! Well, off to the closet I go! :)

  4. How cute!~ I really love the pink top and the one with Eiffel Tower on it. ;) The polka dotted dress is pretty darling, too. Great finds!!!

  5. I love those tops and the dresses! I still am unsure of what I'm going to wear.....

  6. Oh, I love that pink shirt! And that red dress is pure gorgeousness. :)

  7. Hello, Ashley! Head on over to my blog for a little surprise for you!:)

    Hope you enjoy!

  8. I love dressing up for holidays too! I wore a pretty flower print cardigan, which I thought oozed valentine charisma. I really like allot of the clothes that you suggested!

  9. For open dresses, you can make your own modest shell by purchasing a plain t-shirt with a closed neckline and cutting off the sleeves and the bottom part of the shirt. This way you can wear it under open-necked shirts even in the hot summer months.


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~Ashley & Gabrielle