
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What I'm Wearing | Sweater Dress Comfy

- What I'm Wearing -

Red Sweater Dress - Lauren Ralph Lauren
Black Leggings - Old Navy
Black Flats - Payless
Brown Belt - Maurices
Red Ribbon for Headband - Secondhand 

We have a friend coming over today. So I have a day full of talking, laughter, sewing, and a tea party ahead. I want to wear something comfy, yet stylish. I think this outfit fits the bill. For when I want to be comfy I don't want to be sloppy comfy, or look like I'm in pj's. Also, I'm so excited that it is cool enough for me to wear my sweater dress again. If you are looking for more ways to wear a sweater dress, look at this post I did in January. 


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

"Come, let us sing to the Lord!
      Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.
  Let us come to him with thanksgiving.
      Let us sing psalms of praise to him.
  For the Lord is a great God,
      a great King above all gods.
  He holds in his hands the depths of the earth
      and the mightiest mountains.
  The sea belongs to him, for he made it.
      His hands formed the dry land, too.
  Come, let us worship and bow down.
      Let us kneel before the Lord our maker,
     for he is our God.
   We are the people he watches over,
      the flock under his care...." (Psalm 95: 1-7)

Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving, everyone!!! 

~Ashley & Gabrielle

Monday, November 22, 2010


My sister, Hanne-col tagged me. Thank you, sis! 

First off the rules: 

1. Answer the seven questions. 2. Come up with your own seven questions. 3. Tag seven people.  

1. If you could choose one fictional character (book or movie) to sit down and chat with, who would it be?

What a hard question. Maybe Sherlock Holmes, as I love mysteries and trying to think like Holmes to solve things. =) I would just love to ask him questions! 

2. What is your favorite music group or singer?

I'm more of a soundtrack girl. =) I do like Heather McCready, Charlie Zahm, Roy Rogers, and Deanna Durbin. And for Christmas music, as Christmas is coming up,  Amy Grant, Faith Hill, and Josh Groban. 

3. What is your favorite meal/dish/food?

I love chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn/ or green beans for dinner. Yum. 

4. What's your favorite pair of shoes?

Either my black pumps, or cowgirl boots. 

5. What's your favorite hymn?

This is My Father's World

6. Milk chocolate or white chocolate or dark chocolate? Which is your favorite?

Milk Chocolate!!! I use to like white chocolate best, but now I can't stand it! I also didn't use to like dark chocolate, but now I love the stuff!! =D

7. Did you ever love to play with paper dolls? If so, is there a certain time period (not when they were made but what time period their, oh well portraying or something on that line) that dominates your collection?

Yes, I have played with paper dolls! My collection is made up of mostly American Civil War (War Between the States) paper dolls and the American Girl paper dolls. Did any of you have the American Girl paper doll computer program? I had it growing up and would design tons of clothing for my paper dolls. :) 

My seven questions:

1. What did you want to be growing up?

2. What is your favorite color?

3. What was/is your favorite subject in School?

4. What is your favorite Christmas song/ album?

5. If you could live in any era for week, what era would it be?

6. What countries have you been too? And what is your dream countries to visit?

7. What was your favorite toy growing up?

I tag:

Everyone who reads this blog. :) You can answer in the comments, or post it on your blog. If you do it on your blog, please share the link with me. As I would LOVE to read your answers! =D


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Half-Price Book Sale Findings

Well, yesterday was our library's half-price day. So of course, we went. I found even more treasures! Some of what I bought will be featured as scans on my other blog: A Girls Guide to Home Life.  =)

1. Christmas Carols and Hymns (1959) Piano Songbook - I bought this for Gabrielle as I can't read a note. 2. Sabrina (1954) VHS - I can't wait to see this movie with Audrey Hepburn & Humphrey Bogart! =)

1. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens (1867) - I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the copyright on this book, 1867!!! This is the oldest book I own personally. 2. Familiar Quotations (early turn of the century 1900s) - I love looking at books filled quotes and this is one of my favorites.

 1. When We Were Very Young by: A. A. Milne ( 1927) - A fun collection of poems by A. A. Milne, the author of Winnie-the-Pooh. 2. The Book of Good Manners by: Frederick H. Martens (1923) - One can never have too many etiquette books and I have several. ;-)

 1. The Five Little Peppers by: Margaret Sidney (1950) - This was one of my series during my teen-years, well they still are. =) Have any of you read this wonderful series?  2. All-Of-A-Kind-Family Downtown by: Sidney Taylor (1972) - Another favorite series of mine. I think what I like about this series and the Peppers is that we are like both families. =)

1. Color Me Beautiful by: Carole Jackson (1984) - I've seen my friends talk about this book and I have wanted to learn about people's seasons - including my own. 2. Collection of Crocheting Patterns pulled from magazines and booklets (1940s - 50s) - Two file folders filled with crocheting patterns for only $1!!! What a deal! Now, I just need to learn how to read these patterns as I know how to crochet.

1. LOOK Magazine (December 26, 1944) - A fun Christmas edition. It includes a review of one of my WWII movies, Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo. And just have lots of fun pictures of the era. Some of you might recognize the magazine name from an episode of I Love Lucy.

1. Woman's Day (September & October 1954)  & Every Woman's (August & October 1954) - Both magazines are filled with how-to's, recipes, fashion articles, adds, stories, and lots of fun vintage stuff!

1. Family Circle (August 1954) - Another fun vintage magazine.

I can promise you that, there won't be another book sale post for awhile. =)


Thursday, November 18, 2010

What I Wore | 1950s/60s College Girl Inspired (Wool Plaid Skirt)

- What I Wearing - 

Plaid Wool Skirt - Second-hand
White Ruffle Blouse - Kohl's
Black Boyfriend Blazer - J.C. Penny
Cream Tights - Kohl's
Black Pumps - Famous Footwear
Key Watch Necklace - Maurices
Polka-dot Headband - Claire's
Pearl Earrings - Gift

Today's outfit is very private school uniform - which I love. Odd I know. But I love school uniforms! Growing up I also looked forward to wearing my "school uniform" clothing. No, we didn't have a uniform for school (home-schooled K-12). We just bought the school uniform jumpers, skirts, blouses, cardigans each fall for our everyday/Sunday wear. I LOVED it! =) Anyone else love school uniforms? 

Another way you could look at my outfit, is that it looks late 1950s/ early 60s college girl inspired.  Any of you own Sears Everyday Fashions: 1950s? Near the end of the book you will find outfits just like this one. 

I better get going. I have a dining room to decorate and a present to wrap, for today is my Mom's birthday. :) 


Don't forget to take a guess on the movie quote quiz. Here are some hints. 1, 2, 5, 6 - the actors have been talked about on this and my movie blog and are from the 30s/40s. 9 - One of the people is really famous, think 1930s. 16 & 17 - some people may consider these boy type movies. One is from the 50s the other 2000s.  =)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Movie Quote Quiz

It has been awhile since we have done this and I thought it would be fun to do it again. =) First off the rules.

1. Pick 20 of your favorite movies.

2. Go to and find a quote from each movie.

3. Post them for everyone to guess.

4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.

5. NO cheating.

Are you all ready? I will give you all until Friday to guess. Have fun! Ready. Set. Go!

1. Character 1: The iron fist has a glass jaw! (Desperate Journey) - Maggie 

2. Character 1: They're running! They're getting away! 
Character 2: No they're not. We're going after them! 
Character 1: Hey, wait a minute! They outnumber us three to one! 
Character 2: Well, if it makes you nervous, don't count 'em. (Santa Fe Trail) - Achaia

3. Character 1: Excuse me lady, but that upon which you sit is mine. 
Character 2: I beg your pardon? (It Happened One Night) - Kristin 

4. Character 1: At midnight, I'll turn into a pumpkin and drive away in my glass slipper. 
Character 2: And that will be the end of the fairy tale. (Roman Holiday) - Lily Litten 

5. Character 1: Men, if you're willing to fight for our people, I want you! (The Adventures of Robin Hood) - Achaia

6. Character 1: William Shakespeare. 
Character 2: I never heard of him. What part of Texas is he from? 
Character 1: [surprised at Rusty's ignorance] Stratford-on-Avon. (Dodge City) - Achaia

7. Character 1: It's a conspiracy, I tell you. The minute you start they put you on the all-American sucker list. You start out to build a home and wind up in the poorhouse. And if it can happen to me, what about the guys who aren't making $15,000 a year? The ones who want a home of their own. It's a conspiracy, I tell you - -against every boy and girl who were ever in love. (Mr. Blandings Builds his Dream House) - Caroline and Kristin

8. Character 1: Oh, Stanley. I don't know how to explain. A wedding. A church wedding. Well it's, it's what every girl dreams of. A bridal dress, the orange blossoms, the music. It's something lovely to remember all the rest of her life. And something for us to remember too. (Father of the Bride) - Vicki

9. Character 1: I've got a friend that ... 
Character 2: Oh, I bet that isn't true. 
Character 1: What? 
Character 2: You said you had a friend. I bet you have *lots* of friends.

10. Character 1: Do you ever feel like a chess piece yourself? In a game being played against your will. (The Young Victoria) - Polka Dot and Caroline.

11. Character 1: How can you read this? There's no pictures! 
Character 2: Well, some people use their imagination. (Beauty & the Beast) - Polka Dot and Old Fashioned Charm.

12. Character 1: No one of our age has ever taken power. 
Character 2: Which is why we're too young to realize certain things are impossible. Which is why we will do them anyway. (Amazing Grace) - Polka Dot, Caroline, and Old Fashioned Charm.

13. Character 1: Reckon I'll leave my brains at home, then. (North & South) - Polka Dot, Caroline, Nzkiwigirl, and Old Fashioned Charm.

14. Character 1: You didn't let me finish. I was going to say 'turn right here left'. 
Character 2: Turn right here left? Have you any conception how much room it takes to turn this thing around? We may have to go on for miles. (The Long, Long Trailer) - Lindsay 

15. Character 1: One day the war will be over. And I hope that the people that use this bridge in years to come will remember how it was built and who built it. Not a gang of slaves, but soldiers, British soldiers, Clipton, even in captivity. (The Bridge on the River Kwai) - The Warrior 

16. Character 1: Sextus, you ask how to fight an idea. Well I'll tell you how... with another idea! (Ben-Hur) - Maggie

17. Character 1: I regard the crime of desertion as a sin against the army of the Lord. Duty is ours, the consequences are God's. (Gods & Generals) - Caroline 

18. Character 1: But just remember: a woman's like a rose; if you treat her right, she'll bloom, if you don't, she'll wilt. 
Character 2: Where'd you get that? 
Character 1: Counseling. (Fireproof) - Melinda 

19. Character 1: Houston, we have a problem. (Apollo 13) - Caroline

20. Character 1: Oh, my goodness. Everybody behave naturally. (Pride & Prejudice 2005) - Caroline, Old Fashioned Charm, and Kristin. 


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Book Sale Findings

This past Friday was a library book sale. Now I for one LOVE book sales! How about you? And I want to share with all of you the treasures I found.

1. Santa Fe Trail VHS - I was so excited to pick up a copy of Santa Fe Trail as I've only been able to see the movie through internet archive. It has Errol Flynn (look they spelled his name wrong on the case), Ronald Reagan, and Olivia de Havilland. This is definitely one of my favorite Errol Flynn movies - I think it is because Ronald Reagan is in it. =)

2. Baedeker's Paris and it's Environs by Karl Baedeker (1907) - After doing some research it seams like this little book is worth some money. Interesting. I picked up the book because it had floor plans of buildings and places in and around Paris. Also because it was old, looked interesting, and provides a peak to the past.

3. Lady of the Lake by Sir Walter Scott (1892) 

4. Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott (????) - My mom is reading this aloud for school right now. I thought I would pick up my own copy to read and own. My siblings say it is a wonderful book!

5. The Scottish Chiefs (Early turn-of-the-centry 1900s) - Just one of those books I've wanted to read for awhile now. I can't remember what it is about. I'm thinking it takes place around the King Robert the Bruce & William Wallace era. 

6. Northhanger Abbey by: Jane Austen (1988) - I now own all of Jane Austen's novels - except for her short ones. Hurray! 

7. How to Design Your Own Dress Patterns by: Adele P. Margolis (1959) - This looks like an amazing book on drafting patterns. Plus the designs are for late 1950s, instead of the modern designs that are in my other pattern making books. 

8. History of Costume by: Blanche Payne (1965) - I have the reprinted version of this book and let me say, the original is so much better! Why? It covers more AND has some scaled patterns in the back of the book. This book is/has been one of the textbooks colleges use for the history of fashion.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

What I Wore | Blue & Purple

- What I'm Wearing -
Purple Tee - Kohl's
Vest - Paul Harris Design {second-hand}
Cotton Skirt - New York & Company {second-hand}
Scarf - Kohl's
Butterfly earrings & necklace - Kohl's
Heart Locket Necklace - Gift
Black Knee-highs - Kohl's
Black Moccasins - Naturalizers   

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What I Wore | "You are my Sunshine . . ." (Yellow Pencil Skirt)

- What I'm Wearing -

Yellow Pencil Skirt - Made by Me {pattern review}
Cream 80s Blouse - Second-hand
Cream Cardigan - Gap Outlet
Brown Belt - I can't remember.
Cream Knee-highs - Kohl's
Black Pumps - Famous Footwear
Pearl Earrings - Gift
Silver Ring - J.C. Penny 

I love my yellow pencil skirt! But like my boyfriend blazer, I have a hard time styling this skirt. I think it is because I've never own a yellow skirt. =) It seams like I keep pairing this skirt with creams, browns, and blacks. =P See my past outfits with this skirt: Outfit 1. Outfit 2. Outfit 3. Outfit 4.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What I'm Wearing - Patriotic Glory (Route 66 Jean Skirt)

- What I'm Wearing -

"Route 66" Jean Skirt - Made by Me {This is new. I made it for my trip to San Antonio.} 
Red & White Stripe Tank - St. John's Bay {J.C. Penny}
White Blouse - IZOD
Cameo Necklace - Portobello Road Market {London}
Pearl Earrings - Gift
Black & White Polka-Dot Headband - Claire's
  Black Boots - Bass Shoe Outlet 
Silver Ring - J.C. Penny 

I love this new outfit combination! It is very Patriotic. You know what? Since we came back from San Antonio I’ve been mixing up my outfits a lot - trying new combinations and looks.

Today I served at my Church for a Seniors Luncheon that happens once every month. Except during the winter months, December through February. But we do bake cookies for the Seniors at Valentines. Well, today was special, as I gave a presentation at the Luncheon on Historical Costuming. I was so nervous. But it worked out alright. Afterwards we did Operation Christmas Child with the Seniors.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What I'm Wearing - Autumn Delight

- What I'm Wearing - 

Vintage Silk Skirt - Portobello Road Market {London}
White Turtleneck - Secondhand 
Cream Ruffle Tank - Gap Outlet
Brown Belt - Maurices
Orange Scarf - Target
Black Boots - Bass Shoes Outlet
Pearl Earrings - Gift


I forgot to mention in my last outfit post that this week is WIFD on a sewing board I'm on. What does WIFD stand for? It stands for Week In Feminine Dress. So you will be seeing a whole bunch of outfit posts this week. =) 

Also, how does the blog run now? Does it move any faster? 


A Question for everyone . . .

Hello everyone!

Does the blog show up all right on your computer? Like in the picture below? Please let me know. Also how does the fancy script show up on your computer? Does it function all right? Sorry for all the questions. If there are any problems, please let me know. Thank You.


Edited: Thank you for answering my questions. I did some changes to the blog look. I removed some fancy font and some java script. Does the blog load any faster now? If not, I'll try removing more things.

Monday, November 8, 2010

What I Wore | Victorian Meets Modern (Boyfriend Blazer)

-What I'm Wearing-
Black Boyfriend Blazer - Worthington {JCPenny}
White T-Shirt - Kohl's
Purple Corduroy Skirt - Made by Me {Pattern Review}
Black Boots - Bass Shoe Outlet
Plaid Scarf - Kohl's
Pearl Earrings - Gift 

I love this new outfit I put together randomly this morning for work today. I LOVE it! Ever since I received the boyfriend blazer for Christmas last year, I've had a hard time styling it. I love the jacket - I just don't always know what to pair it with. =P 


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Our Trip to the SAICFF . . . .

Here is the post you are all waiting for our trip to the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival. =)
Dalles, Texas - The end of the first day of driving. 
Our hotel in Dallas, Texas. 
The area where President J.F. Kennedy was shot.
The Municipal Auditorium  
Waiting for the opening ceremonies to start. 
Mr. Phillips & Virginia 
The River-walk
The River-walk
Mallards along the River-walk
Seege Family - Their movie was "The Runner from Ravenshead." Which is one hilarious, fun movie! And really good! 
The Alamo
The Alamo. picture taken by my sister, Hanne-col.
Flowers at the Alamo.
A charming Starbucks along the River-walk. 
Me on Awards Night. (a better picture of our dress will be coming sometime soon.)
These are the movies I saw -

Divided - Simply wonderful! 

The Runner From Ravenshead - Very funny! You must see it! 

The Penny - Very exciting! You will never think about a penny the same way. =)

Sybil Ludington - This was ok. The costumes were great and so was the idea. But the movie was lacking. 

Standing Firm - A really good film. The acting was really good. 

Ace Wonder - The highlight of the whole trip!!!! =D I LOVED it! I can't wait to see the movie when it is finished! 


Gabrielle and I also got together with Atlanta and went vintage shopping. Lots of fun! =) 
